担任《Social Science Journal》等SCI/SSCI来源期刊匿名审稿人。
[1] What is the anti-poverty effect of solar PV poverty alleviation projects? Evidence from rural China[J]. Energy,2021, 218.(一作, SCIE检索,一区Top期刊, IF=6.082)
[2] Understanding the Role of Rural Poor’s Endogenous Impetus in Poverty Reduction: Evidence from China [J]. Sustainability, 2020, 12(6). (一作, SCIE & SSCI检索,三区, IF=2.798)
[3] Interaction between Ecosystem Services and Rural Poverty Reduction: Evidence from China[J].Environmental Science & Policy, 2021, 119.(二作通讯, SCIE检索,二区, IF=4.767)
[4] Of jobs, skills, and values: Exploring rural household energy use and solar photovoltaics in poverty alleviation areas in China [J]. Energy Research & Social Science, 2020, 67. (二作, SSCI检索, IF=4.771)
[5]Exploring rural energy choice from the perspective of multi-dimensional capabilities: Evidence from photovoltaic anti-poverty areas in rural China [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 283. (三作,SCIE检索,一区Top期刊,IF=7.246)
[6] Does solar PV bring a sustainable future to the poor? ——An empirical study of anti-poverty policy effects on environmental sustainability in rural China [J]. Energy Policy, 2020, 145.(三作, SCIE & SSCI检索,一区Top期刊, IF=5.042)
[7] Is the photovoltaic poverty alleviation project the best way for the poor to escape poverty? ——A DEA and GRA analysis of different projects in rural China [J]. Energy Policy, 2020, 137. (三作, SCIE & SSCI检索,一区Top期刊, IF=5.042)
[8] What do consumers expect for government subsidies on low-carbon products in China? [J]. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 2018, 13(2). (三作, SCI & EI检索, IF=1.622)
[9] 太阳能光伏扶贫的模式研究[J].当代经济,2018(08):32-33.(三作)
[1] 国家社会科学基金重大项目:太阳能光伏扶贫运行机制的系统性评价与政策创新研究(17ZDA085),参与。
[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:反贫困效果评估的理论模型与可持续脱贫路径研究:以光伏扶贫为例(71773119),参与。
[3] 国家自然科学基金地区项目:基于嵌入性理论的中小企业开放式创新风险控制研究(71462006),参与。
[1] 2018-2019年度湖北省优秀调研成果三等奖(3/5),成果名称:新葡萄8883官网AMG促进我省光伏扶贫电站可持续发展的若干建议。